Help for Students reading ABOVE and BELOW grade level

kindergartnersreadingThe Question:

I have a kindergartener student who is reading far above grade level. What can I do to help her?

The Answers:


I have a child in my Transitional Kindergarten class whose reading level is at a 3rd grade level. The rest of my 26 kids are not reading at all. I’ve got him doing the Accelerated Reader program, but I know it’s not enough. I sit and read with him a few days a week, but it’s hard to work with just one child. I have my aide and parents helping too. He is very intelligent, but is a 4 year old socially. We have all these intervention programs for low kids, but what about the gifted?? Any ideas?


I know this just seems so basic, but I just keep putting books in their hands. They read to their friends, their family, listen to books in the listening area, draw pictures of what the story was about, draw a picture of the story setting, draw a picture of the characters. I keep a lot of books on hand.


Yes, it’s a thing. One child is at level L, and about 6 kids still can’t read “can” and “the!” I have the high student write more, read with her classmates as a “teacher’s helper,” and also enjoy extra computer time when we do basic phonics. It’s all a juggling act/keep the plates spinning!!


We have our K-1 specialist pull them twice a week for guided reading, but other than that I just have them be leaders during shared reading etc. They still need practice with comprehension so my other reading lessons are relevant.


Non-fiction!!! There’s always more to learn!


Are their writing skills as strong? Have them write lots of stories, work on comprehension and – yes, non-fiction!


I send them to 1st grade for reading.


Each child is in a group at their own level. Sometimes, that means a really high reader has their own personal reading “group.”


I wish I could get my students to recognize their letters and understand beginning sounds. I don’t even know what to do for that anymore!


I have my strong readers in the Accelerated Reading program. It is a comprehension test taken on the iPad or computer. (Only 5 questions- takes only 5-10 min to take). We set goals and challenge them to read the book and pass with a minimum of 85% accuracy in comprehension. They earn a small token each 9 weeks if met goal. They love it.


We use Jan Richardson’s guided reading, so I follow that lesson plan. That depends on which level they are on. I have one who does not know all his letters and I do the tracing book for him daily and the Pre-A lessons.


During RTI time, I teach an enrichment group. I use the Starfall level one workbooks to improve their writing skills. I also focus VERY heavily on our current LAFS standard (right now character setting and plot). We use thinking maps. Last week we completed a flow map for “A Bad Case of Stripes”.


I’d like to know more about this. My granddaughter, a kindergartner, has tested at a 2nd grade level with reading and comprehension. My son and daughter-in-law are a little upset that she is not being put in an accelerated program. 


We teach guided reading in the classroom at their instructional level and they have a 45 min. RTI period at their instructional level, daily.


Guided reading at their level. Most need work on retelling and comprehension. Also writing.


Sometimes a student’s writing skills are not as high as her reading skills. I would definitely want her reading with students at her level (first grade probably have readers at her level and she could go to their guided groups and work on writing that is probably closer to her abilities.) Students who read that high are great, but usually haven’t had instruction on all of the essential reading strategies on the way. I usually go back through all of the levels they skipped and teach the reading strategies so they have that strongest background.


In the past we’ve had high readers join a guided reading class in first grade.


I focus more on written comprehension, fluency, & inferencing, while using challenging texts.


Reading A-Z site many great printable books and resources…


Reading A-Z and time in first grade!


I encourage the parents to keep up the good work and make regular trips to the public library!


Try making cards, with a colored pencil drawing (or a pic from word doc,) letter & word for the pic and a sentence using sight words…”I see a green frog” Several,of each, play “bang” with small group, they win if they say anything on the card, color, letter, sound, picture. Do just four or five different ones four or five each, then add one or two and lose the ones they know. Best thing I’ve ever done. Have a different bang card for the season, right now we are using a big Boo! Play Memory with 10 upper and lower case of same few letters. They win with match of lower and upper or two of same case.they have to keep saying the letters over and over. Hope this might help!

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